Getting Started
A centered posture on the Indo Board is all about a relaxed upper body, holding the head and shoulders upright with hips rolled slightly forward and knees bent beyond the 3-2 inch "comfort zone"! Breaking at the waist and not bending your knees enough is a result of your mind wanting you to be comfortable. Maintaining a centered posture on the Indo Board is at first uncomfortable for some people and they give into the demands of the mind and assume an unbalanced stance.
When you think your knees are bent, then go 2 inches lower. Your mind tells you your knees are bent and usually stops you short of where the power position begins. The extra 2 inches actually can feel like 5, but the mind likes to play tricks on you. Understand that this bent knee posture is meant to be the TOP of your range of motion. You never want to operate the Indo Board from a higher position.
The Demo DVD describes and clearly demonstrates these principles.
*Safety Precautions
First time riders should never do it without some way to steady themselves!
- Practice up close to a wall or holding someone's hands. Always bend your knees and don't lean on the steady support.
- It is highly recommended that safety gear be worn to help soften the inevitable falls. Wrist guards are the best protection, along with a helmet, knee and elbow pads.
- Most surfers prefer to go barefoot, because that's how they surf. Skateboarders usually wear shoes and wakeboarders ride either way!
- Make sure the area where you are riding is clear of objects that you might fall on.
- Keep spectators at a reasonable distance away from the rider and the potential path of a flying Indo Board. The board can become a missile and cause injury if it hits someone.
- Alcohol slows the reaction time and is not to be mixed with Indo Board riding.
- Indo Boards can be on grass or hard packed sand to help slow the action for beginners or in the absence of carpet.
The Indo Board is best used on a carpeted surface. The thicker the carpet pile the slower the action will be. As you become more proficient in using the Indo Board, bare floors can provide the ultimate challenge to your abilities. However, the action is greatly speeded up and falls are quite unforgiving depending on the surface.
Take these few simple precautions and feel the INDO obsession begin!
- feet shoulder width apart
- look forward, not down
- hold your head and shoulders upright
- neutral spine with hips rolled slightly forward
- knees bent more than you think they should be
- engage your core to keep your alignment
- engaged shoulder blades and back, chest out
- quiet upper body with no unnecessary arm movements
- Strive towards perfect top to bottom alignment of the ankles- hips-shoulders.
- Do not break/bend at the waist!